Meet the Ivermectin Pusher
Bret Weinstein is one of the most influential vaccine skeptics in the world, and he lives right here in Stumptown. Read More...
Bret Weinstein is one of the most influential vaccine skeptics in the world, and he lives right here in Stumptown. Read More...
Mark Frohnmayer is freaked out by climate change, and he's doing something about it. He's building three-wheeled electric vehicles that go 100 miles on a single charge and accelerate like a Tesla, making them both really green and really fun....
I'm not a jock. I'm not a hey-bro outdoor warrior. I have never run five Cascade peaks in one day like those lunatics in Bend do. Skiing might be my one true talent in life, only because I've done it...
With a pandemic killing thousands worldwide, fires immolating the West Coast, and an unstable president sending heavily armored federal agents to quash protests for racial justice, it's tempting to pour vodka on your Cheerios in the morning, drink a 12-pack...
Andy Green loves riding electric skateboards so much he blew up his apartment trying to build one. Skateboards are motorized now because of a key innovation: the lithium-ion battery, which looks like an oversized Energizer. The more you have, the...
Millions of people are discovering that there are perks to working at home. Among them: You can have a messy desk, and there’s no one—or, at least, no colleague—around to judge. In this new world, even neatniks might want to let...
As a psychologist, Tom Gruber is in awe of Facebook. As a computer scientist and citizen of the earth, it scares the crap out of him. Facebook runs experiments on human behavior that psychologists can only dream about, Gruber says. The...
It’s tempting to view Roger McNamee as a rich guy who cashed out in middle age to indulge his rock-‘n’-roll fantasies and rail at the Man—who, until just recently, was him. McNamee, now 63, discovered an early aptitude for investing...
By 7 p.m. exactly 120 years ago, Loren Waldo was dead. No one can say that for sure because he was alone. But if you lie down in the snow for just five minutes as if you’d fallen there, unable...
Dear Senate President Courtney, I’m writing to let you know that I’m going to stop paying for garbage pick-up at my house in Northeast Portland. I’m just going to toss my trash into the street until the 2019 legislative session, when...